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in Python by (16.4k points)
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Most quite they utilize two spaces for space rather than 4.

The CamelCase style for functions and techniques rather than the camel_case style.

4 Answers

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by (25.7k points)
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The main differences between PEP 8 and the Google Python Style Guide are as follows:

Formatting and Indentation: PEP 8 recommends using 4 spaces for indentation, while the Google Python Style Guide suggests using 2 spaces.

Line Length: PEP 8 suggests a maximum line length of 79 characters, whereas the Google Python Style Guide allows up to 100 characters.

Naming Conventions: Both style guides have slightly different recommendations for naming conventions. PEP 8 suggests using lowercase with underscores for variable and function names (snake_case), while the Google Python Style Guide recommends lowercase with underscores for functions and lowercase with underscores or lowercase with initial uppercase letters for variables (lower_case or lowerCamelCase).

Import Statements: PEP 8 suggests putting each import statement on a separate line, while the Google Python Style Guide allows importing multiple modules on a single line if they have the same source.

Comments and Documentation: PEP 8 recommends using inline comments sparingly, while the Google Python Style Guide encourages using comments effectively to provide clarity. Additionally, the Google Python Style Guide provides specific guidelines for documenting functions, classes, and modules using docstrings.

Error Handling: The Google Python Style Guide recommends using specific exception classes for error handling whenever possible, while PEP 8 is more flexible in this regard.

Blank Lines: PEP 8 suggests using blank lines sparingly within functions and classes, while the Google Python Style Guide recommends using blank lines more liberally for improved readability and separation of logical sections.

It's important to note that both PEP 8 and the Google Python Style Guide aim to improve code readability and maintainability. The choice between the two style guides often depends on personal preference or the style guide followed by the organization or development team.
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by (26.4k points)

The primary distinction is that Google Python Style accompanies more insights concerning how to compose code, for instance how to compose your docstrings or when to utilize false names for a variable, this are not indicated in the PEP8

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by (15.4k points)
PEP 8 and the Google Python Style Guide have some key distinctions:

Formatting and Indentation: PEP 8 advises using 4 spaces for indentation, whereas the Google Python Style Guide suggests 2 spaces.

Line Length: PEP 8 sets the maximum line length at 79 characters, while the Google Python Style Guide permits up to 100 characters.

Naming Conventions: PEP 8 suggests lowercase with underscores for variables and functions (snake_case), whereas the Google Python Style Guide allows lowercase with underscores or lowercase with initial uppercase letters for variables (lower_case or lowerCamelCase) and lowercase with underscores for functions.

Import Statements: PEP 8 recommends placing each import statement on a separate line, while the Google Python Style Guide allows multiple imports on a single line if they share the same source.

Comments and Documentation: PEP 8 promotes limited use of inline comments, whereas the Google Python Style Guide encourages effective comment usage for clarity. Furthermore, the Google Python Style Guide provides specific guidelines for documenting functions, classes, and modules using docstrings.

Error Handling: The Google Python Style Guide encourages the use of specific exception classes for error handling whenever feasible, while PEP 8 is more flexible in this aspect.

Blank Lines: PEP 8 advises minimal blank lines within functions and classes, whereas the Google Python Style Guide suggests more liberal use of blank lines for improved readability and logical separation.

It's important to note that both PEP 8 and the Google Python Style Guide share the common goal of enhancing code readability and maintainability. The choice between the two often depends on personal preference or adherence to a particular style guide within an organization or development team.
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by (19k points)
PEP 8 and the Google Python Style Guide differ in several aspects of code formatting and conventions. Regarding indentation, PEP 8 recommends using 4 spaces, while the Google Python Style Guide suggests 2 spaces. Line length is another area of distinction, with PEP 8 advocating for a maximum of 79 characters per line, while the Google Python Style Guide allows up to 100 characters. Naming conventions also vary slightly, as PEP 8 suggests lowercase with underscores for variables and functions (snake_case), whereas the Google Python Style Guide permits lowercase with underscores or lowercase with initial uppercase letters for variables (lower_case or lowerCamelCase) and lowercase with underscores for functions. Import statements follow different practices, with PEP 8 advising each import on a separate line, while the Google Python Style Guide allows multiple imports on a single line if they share the same source. Comments and documentation guidelines also diverge, as PEP 8 encourages limited use of inline comments, while the Google Python Style Guide emphasizes effective comments for clarity and provides specific instructions for documenting functions, classes, and modules using docstrings. Error handling practices vary as well, with the Google Python Style Guide promoting the use of specific exception classes whenever possible, while PEP 8 is more flexible in this regard. Finally, regarding blank lines, PEP 8 recommends minimal usage within functions and classes, whereas the Google Python Style Guide suggests employing more blank lines for improved readability and logical separation. Ultimately, the choice between adhering to PEP 8 or the Google Python Style Guide depends on personal preference or the specific style guide adopted within an organization or development team.

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