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in Python by (16.4k points)
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I was contemplating whether there exists such a Python beautifier like the gnu-indent command-line instrument for C code. Obviously, space isn't the point in Python since it is the software engineer's obligation however I wish to get my code written in a completely homogenous manner, taking consideration especially of having consistently indistinguishable clear space between operands or after and before separators and between the blocks.

4 Answers

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by (15.4k points)
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Here are several Python code formatters or beautifiers available that can help you achieve consistent and well-formatted code. These tools automatically restructure your Python code according to predefined style guidelines, ensuring readability and maintaining consistent spacing, indentation, and other formatting conventions.

One popular option is "Black," which is a highly opinionated code formatter for Python. It enforces a strict set of formatting rules, automatically reformatting your code to adhere to these guidelines. To use Black, you can install it using pip:

pip install black

Once installed, you can run Black on your Python files from the command line:


By executing this command, Black will reformat according to its predefined style guidelines. It takes care of indentation, line length, spacing, and other formatting aspects, ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing code style.

Other Python code formatters like "autopep8" and "yapf" are also available, each offering different formatting styles and customization options. You can install and use them in a similar way as Black.

While these code formatters can greatly improve code readability and consistency, it's important to note that they are tools to assist you. It is still essential to follow Python's PEP 8 style guide and maintain good coding practices. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the developer to write clean, understandable, and maintainable code.
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by (26.4k points)

I'm the person who poses the inquiry. Truth be told, the tool the nearest to my requirements is by all accounts PythonTidy (it's a Python program obviously : Python is best served without anyone else ;) ).

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by (25.7k points)

Yes, there are several Python beautifiers or formatters available that can help you achieve consistent and well-formatted code. These tools automatically reformat your Python code according to predefined style guidelines, making it more readable and maintaining consistent spacing, indentation, and other formatting conventions.

One popular Python code formatter is called "Black." Black is a highly opinionated code formatter that follows a strict set of rules for formatting Python code. It enforces a consistent style by automatically reformatting your code to adhere to these rules. You can install Black using pip:

pip install black

Once installed, you can run Black on your Python files using the command line:


This will reformat according to Black's style guidelines. Black takes care of indentation, line length, spacing, and other formatting aspects, ensuring a homogenous and consistent code style.

Other Python code formatters you may consider are "autopep8" and "yapf." These formatters offer different formatting styles and options, so you can choose the one that aligns with your preferences. You can install and use them similarly to Black.

It's worth mentioning that while code formatters like Black can improve code readability and consistency, it's still essential to adhere to Python's PEP 8 style guide and maintain good coding practices. Formatting tools are aids, but it's the developer's responsibility to write clean, understandable, and maintainable code.

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by (19k points)
Python offers code formatters like "Black," "autopep8," and "yapf" that automatically reformat your code to ensure consistent spacing, indentation, and other formatting conventions. These tools can improve code readability and adherence to style guidelines.

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