import java.util.Scanner;
public class FlowerCounter {
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] flowers = {"Petunia", "Pansy", "Rose", "Violet", "Carnation"};
double[] price = {.50, .75, 1.50, .50, .80};
double cost = 0;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("What kind of flower would you " +
"like to purchase? \nPetunia, Pansy, Rose," +
" Violet, or Carnation?");
String index = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.println("How many " + index +"s" + " would you like?");
int count = keyboard.nextInt();
if (index.equals("Petunia") || index.equals("petunia"))
cost = (double)price[0] * count;
else if (index.equals("Pansy") || index.equals("pansy"))
cost = (double)price[1] * count;
else if (index.equals("Rose") || index.equals("rose"))
cost = (double)price[2] * count;
else if (index.equals("Violet") || index.equals("violet"))
cost = (double)price[3] * count;
else if (index.equals("Carnation") || index.equals("carnation"))
cost = (double)price[4] * count;
System.out.println("wrong flower");
System.out.println("The cost for " + count+ " " + index + " is " + cost);