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in Data Science by (4k points)

What is the finest free data science course I can find?

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by (3.8k points)
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Data science is basically the application of statistical and computational methods to large and complex sets of data, typically in simulation, or in real time (in the real word). Data science is a rapidly growing field, and there are many opportunities for professionals to gain knowledge and experience. 

So, the best way to find free data science courses is by searching online. There are many educational platforms that offer free information on data science.

For your reference, you can check out for Intellipaat’s Data Science Course video available on YouTube. This video contains all the necessary information which can eventually help you to have a firm grasp on Data Science fundamentals.


Along with that if you are looking for a certification along with training then check out this Data Science Course by Intellipaat.  This training helps you to become a certified data science professional with all the required skills.
