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in Web Technology by (47.6k points)

I'm trying to figure it out what can I use for a future project, we plan to store from about 500k records per month in the first year and maybe more for the next years this is a vertical application so there's no need to use a database for this, that's the reason why I decided to choose a NoSQL data storage.

The first option that came to my mind was mongo db since is a very mature product with a lot of support from the community but in the other hand we got a brand new product that offers a managed service at top performance, I'll develop this application but there's no maintenance plan (at least for now) so I think that will be a huge advantage since amazon provides an elastic way to scale.

My major concern is about the query structure, I haven't looked at the dynamo DB query capabilities yet but since is a k/v data storage I feel that this could be more limited than mongo db.

If someone had the experience of moving a project from mongoDB to DynamoDB, any advice will be totally appreciated.

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

You can understand the difference between these two by reading the following answer: With 500k documents, there is no reason to scale whatsoever. A typical laptop with an SSD and 8GB of ram can easily do 10s of millions of records, so if you are trying to pick because of scaling your choice doesn't really matter. I would suggest you pick what you like the most, and perhaps where you can find the most online support with.

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