The first command you used, "dnf config-manager --add-repo", adds the MongoDB repository to the DNF package manager on Fedora.
The second command, "dnf install mongodb-org", attempts to install MongoDB using the DNF package manager.
The error message you received indicates that there is a problem with the public key for the package "mongodb-org-3.0.12-1.el7.x86_64.rpm." This error occurs when the package manager cannot verify the authenticity and integrity of the package.
To resolve this issue, you need to import the public key for the MongoDB repository. You can do this by executing the following command: "rpm --import". This command imports the public key used to sign the MongoDB packages.
After importing the key, you can retry the installation command "dnf install mongodb-org", and it should proceed without the "Public key not installed" error.
In summary, the error occurred because the public key for the MongoDB package was missing. By importing the key using the provided command, you should be able to install MongoDB successfully on your Fedora system.