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in SQL by (6.1k points)
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Please provide me the difference between these two.  


4 Answers

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by (11.4k points)
Best answer
The db.collection.deleteMany({condition}) method is used to delete multiple documents in MongoDB based on a specified condition. It removes all documents that satisfy the condition. On the other hand, the db.collection.remove({condition}) method also deletes documents from a collection, but it removes only a single document that matches the given condition. So, the main difference is that deleteMany() can delete multiple documents, while remove() deletes only one document that meets the condition.
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by (11.7k points)
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In MongoDB, both of these commands do the same things, but the difference comes under the return values.

deleteMany:  command returns a boolean as true if the operation runs fine with the write concern and returns false if we disable the write concern.

Also, it returns the deletedCount which contains the deleted document’s number. 

Remove: command returns the WriteResult. Users need to set justOne command to limit the number of deletions to 1.

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by (7.8k points)
db.collection.deleteMany({condition}): This command is used in MongoDB to delete multiple documents that match a specific condition within a collection. The deleteMany method takes a condition object as an argument, which specifies the criteria for deletion. It deletes all the documents that satisfy the given condition. If no documents match the condition, no action is taken, and the operation is considered successful. This method is particularly useful when you want to remove a subset of documents from a collection.

db.collection.remove({condition}): This command is also used for deleting documents in MongoDB, but it differs from deleteMany in a few ways. The remove method deletes a single document that matches the specified condition from the collection. If multiple documents match the condition, it only removes the first one encountered. This method is often used when you want to remove a specific document based on a condition.
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by (13k points)

deleteMany() deletes multiple documents based on a condition, while remove() deletes only one document that matches the condition.

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