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in R Programming by (5.3k points)
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The data I'm playing with comes from the internet source listed below

nba <- read.csv("", sep=",")

What I want to do, is create a 2D points graph comparing two metrics from this table, with each player representing a dot on the graph. I have the following code:

nbaplot <- ggplot(nba, aes(x= MIN, y= PTS, colour="green", label=Name)) + 


This gives me the following:

NBA Plot

What I want is a label of the player's name right next to the dots. I thought the label function in ggplot's aesthetics would do this for me, but it didn't.

I also tried text() function and the textxy() function from the library(calibrate), neither of which appears to work with ggplot.

How can I add name labels to these points?

1 Answer

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You can add the geom_text() function to add labels to the points as follows:

ggplot(nba, aes(x= MIN, y= PTS, colour="green", label=Name)) + 

  geom_point(size = 2,alpha = 0.6) +


  geom_text(aes(label=Name),hjust=0, vjust=0)



To only label points above a certain value:

ggplot(nba, aes(x= MIN, y= PTS, colour="green", label=Name)) + 

  geom_point(size = 2,alpha = 0.6) +





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