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in R Programming by (7.3k points)
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My example is:

qplot(mtcars$mpg) + annotate(geom = "text", x = 30, y = 3, label = "Some text\nSome more text")

How do I get the text here to be left-aligned? So that the 'Some's line-up with each other.

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To left-align text in annotate function, you can use the hjust argument that is used to control the horizontal justification, 0 means left-justified, 0.5 means centered, and 1 means right-justified.

In your case:

qplot(mtcars$mpg) +

  annotate(geom = "text", x = 30, y = 3,

           label = "Some text\nSome more text",

           hjust = 0)



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