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in Python by (16.4k points)
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To Visualize a succession of nodes associated with edges encoded in python.

Searching for a python library to visualize such chart information.

Either a library written in python or python ties is alright

4 Answers

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by (25.7k points)
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Best answer
There are several popular Python libraries available for visualizing graphs and networks. Two commonly used libraries are NetworkX and Graph-tool. Both libraries provide functionality to create and visualize graphs with nodes and edges.

NetworkX: NetworkX is a powerful library for working with graphs in Python. It provides a wide range of algorithms and functions for graph analysis, manipulation, and visualization. You can install NetworkX using pip:

pip install networkx

Here's a simple example of creating and visualizing a graph using NetworkX:

import networkx as nx

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a graph

G = nx.Graph()

G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)])

# Draw the graph

nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)

Graph-tool: Graph-tool is another popular library for graph analysis and visualization. It provides efficient implementations of various graph algorithms and supports visualization through the Graphviz library. You can install graph-tool using Conda:

conda install -c conda-forge graph-tool

Here's an example of creating and visualizing a graph using graph-tool:

import graph_tool.all as gt

# Create a graph

g = gt.Graph()

v1 = g.add_vertex()

v2 = g.add_vertex()

v3 = g.add_vertex()

e1 = g.add_edge(v1, v2)

e2 = g.add_edge(v2, v3)

e3 = g.add_edge(v3, v1)

# Draw the graph

gt.graph_draw(g, vertex_text=g.vertex_index, vertex_font_size=18,

              output_size=(200, 200), output="graph.png")

These are just two examples of Python libraries for graph visualization. Depending on your specific requirements, there are other libraries like PyGraphviz, igraph, and matplotlib that you might find useful.
0 votes
by (26.4k points)

According to me, Graphviz will be the best option.

Graphviz is the premiere graph rendering/layout library; it's mature, stable, open-source, and free of charge. It is not a dedicated flowchart or diagramming package, but its core use case--i.e., efficient and aesthetic rendering of objects comprised of nodes and edges, obviously subsumes flowchart drawing--particularly because its api allows the user to set various constraints on the layout to encourage rendering in the various formats--eg, you can require all nodes of the same level (same number of parents from the root) to be rendered in a single center-aligned row.

Graphviz is not a python library (it's written in C); however there are high quality python bindings available.

The python-Graphviz library I am most familar with is pygraphviz, which is excellent.

Look at the below code, which is used to create a small "flowchart".

digraph {

  node [    fill=cornflowerblue,




  Step1 [   color=darkgoldenrod2,





  Step3a [  style=filled,





  Step1  -> Step2;

  Step1  -> Step2a;

  Step2a -> Step3a;


  Step3a -> Step3;

  Step3a -> Step2b;

  Step2  -> Step2b;

  Step2b -> Step3;

  End [ shape=rectangle,



  Step3  -> End [label=193];


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0 votes
by (15.4k points)
Two popular Python libraries for visualizing graphs and networks are NetworkX and Graph-tool. NetworkX is a powerful library with a wide range of functions for graph analysis and visualization, while Graph-tool provides efficient graph algorithms and supports visualization using the Graphviz library.
0 votes
by (19k points)
Two widely used Python libraries for visualizing graphs and networks are NetworkX and Graph-tool. NetworkX offers a rich set of functions for graph analysis and visualization, while Graph-tool provides efficient graph algorithms and supports visualization using the Graphviz library.

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