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in AWS by (5.6k points)

I'm able to compare two images if they are located at the root of the S3 bucket

const params = {

  SourceImage: {

    S3Object: {

      Bucket: bucket,

      Name: 'source.jpg'



  TargetImage: {

    S3Object: {

      Bucket: bucket,

      Name: 'target.jpg'



  SimilarityThreshold: 90


But I'm getting an error if they are in sub-folders:

message: 'Request has invalid parameters',

code: 'InvalidParameterException',

time: 2019-11-25T13:12:44.498Z,

requestId: '7ac7f297-fc36-436b-a1dc-113d419da766',

statusCode: 400,

retryable: false, retryDelay: 71.0571139838835

If I'm trying to compare images in sub-folders, still same thing:

const params = {

  SourceImage: {

    S3Object: {

      Bucket: bucket,

      Name: '/sub1/sub2/source.jpg'



  TargetImage: {

    S3Object: {

      Bucket: bucket,

      Name: '/sub1/sub2/target.jpg'



  SimilarityThreshold: 90


Any help would be appreciated!!

1 Answer

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by (12.4k points)

Here providing you with the working example, hope that helps you.

import boto3


resp = reko.compare_faces(


        'S3Object': {

            'Bucket': 'jsimon-public-us',

            'Name': 'pref1/image1.jpg',



        'S3Object': {

            'Bucket': 'jsimon-public-us',

            'Name': 'pref2/image2.jpg',




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