I'm trying to launch a workflow, previously saved in a xaml file with UIPath Studio, from a visual studio project (c#).
Here the code:
string pathToWorkflow = appl.Default.XAMLPath; System.Activities.Activity workflowAsActivity = System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Load(pathToWorkflow); System.Activities.WorkflowInvoker invoker = new System.Activities.WorkflowInvoker(workflowAsActivity); Dictionary<string, object> param = RiempiParam(); invoker.Invoke(param);
This code generate this exception:
Impossibile creare il tipo sconosciuto (Impossible to create the unknown type) '{http://schemas.uipath.com/workflow/activities}WindowScope'.
The project already refer to UiPath.Interop.dll, the same used in uipath studio.
What's wrong?