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in RPA by (5.3k points)

I am trying to get a string with a number where, if there is a match between the former and later number add it to a sum total, so 55412 will be 5 and 112332 will be 1 + 3 so 4. This is coded in typescript, the problem is my code doesn't output anything.

function uipath(e, arg) { let stringToInt = new StringToInt("5514133"); stringToInt.charCompareAndSum(); stringToInt.stringSplit(); alert (stringToInt.getSumList.toString); } class StringToInt { private argumentString : string ; private numberArr : Array<string>; private sumList : number; constructor( arg: string) { this.argumentString = arg ; } stringSplit() { this.numberArr = this.argumentString.split(/(?=.)/u); } charCompareAndSum() { for(var i = 0; i < this.numberArr.length -1; i++ ) { if (this.numberArr[i] == this.numberArr[i+1]) { this.sumList = this.sumList + +this.numberArr[i]; } } } get getSumList():number { return this.sumList; } }

1 Answer

0 votes
by (9.5k points)


call your functions


Should be


it might not print anything because


Evaluates to the getSumList function itself, then


Evaluates to undefined since the function doesn't have a toString property.
