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in Salesforce by (11.9k points)

I'm trying to query information from salesforce using the simple_salesforce package in python.

The problem is that it's nesting fields that are a part of a parent-child relationship into an ordered dict within an ordered dict

I want.. from the Opportunity object, to find the id, and the accountid associated with that record.

The SOQL query may look like..

query = "select id, from opportunity where closedate = last_n_days:5"

in SOQL (salesforce object query language), a dot denotes a parent child relationship in the database. So I'm trying to get the id from the opportunity object, and then the related id from the account object on that record.

for some reason the Id comes in fine, but the is nested in an ordered dict within an ordered dict:

q = sf.query_all(query)

this pulls back an ordered dictionary..

OrderedDict([('totalSize', 455),
             ('done', True),
                             OrderedDict([('type', 'Opportunity'),

I would pull the records piece of the ordereddict to create a df

This gives me 3 columns, an ordered dict called 'attributes'Id and another ordered dict called 'Account'. I'm looking for a way to extract the ('BillingCountry', 'United States') piece out of the nested ordered dict 'Account'

[OrderedDict([('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Opportunity'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Opportunity/0061B003451RhZgiHHF')])), ('Id', '0061B003451RhZgiHHF'), ('Account', OrderedDict([('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Account'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Account/001304300MviPPF3Z')])), ('BillingCountry', 'United States')]))])

1 Answer

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by (32.1k points)

Pandas is an unusual tool for tabular data. But while it can include Python objects, that is not its sweet spot. I recommend you secure your data from the query prior to inserting them into a pandas.Dataframe:

Extract records:

To extract the desired fields as a list of dictionaries is as easy as:

records = [dict(id=rec['Id'], country=rec['Account']['BillingCountry'])

           for rec in data['records']]

Insert records into a data frame:

With a list of dicts, a data frame is as easy as:

df = pd.DataFrame(records)

Test Code:

import pandas as pd

from collections import OrderedDict

data = OrderedDict([

    ('totalSize', 455),

    ('done', True),

    ('records', [


            ('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Opportunity'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Opportunity/0061B003451RhZgiHHF')])),

            ('Id', '0061B003451RhZgiHHF'),

            ('Account', OrderedDict([('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Account'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Account/0013000000MvkRQQAZ')])),

                                     ('BillingCountry', 'United States')])),



            ('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Opportunity'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Opportunity/0061B00001Pa52QQAR')])),

            ('Id', '0061B00001Pa52QQAR'),

            ('Account', OrderedDict([('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Account'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Account/0011300001vQPxqAAG')])),

                                     ('BillingCountry', 'United States')])),



            ('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Opportunity'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Opportunity/0061B00001TRu5mQAD')])),

            ('Id', '0061B00001TRu5mQAD'),

            ('Account', OrderedDict([('attributes', OrderedDict([('type', 'Account'), ('url', '/services/data/v34.0/sobjects/Account/0011300001rfRTrAAE')])),

                                     ('BillingCountry', 'United States')])),




records = [dict(id=rec['Id'], country=rec['Account']['BillingCountry'])

           for rec in data['records']]

for r in records:



Test Results:

{'country': 'United States', 'id': '0061B003451RhZgiHHF'}

{'country': 'United States', 'id': '0061B00001Pa52QQAR'}

{'country': 'United States', 'id': '0061B00001TRu5mQAD'}

         country                   id

0  United States  0061B003451RhZgiHHF

1  United States   0061B00001Pa52QQAR

2  United States   0061B00001TRu5mQAD

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