Hi [yuvraj](https://intellipaat.com/community/user/yuvraj) I have figured out the solution to delete Lambda@edge replica.
1. Firstly, Login to CloudFront Console and go to your Distribution.
2. Under the Behaviors Tab - tick the listed Behavior and edit
3. Scroll down, Go to Lambda Function Associations and remove any Association by clicking the X.
4. Press yes,edit to save the changes.
--- Now that you have removed the Associations it's time to delete the Lambda@edge replicas
5. Go to Lambda Console and open your lambda( you wish to delete).
6. On the top menus - Qualifiers -> Versions-> choose the listed drop-down version
7. It will open that @edgeLambda Version
8. On the top menus - Actions -> Delete version
9. This way , deleting all the versions - you are left with $LATEST
10. Deleting that also - you are finally able to delete the Lambda@edge Function
Note!> Please remember to delete any IAM Roles and Permissions associated with Lambda@edge Functions.
I hope this will works for you, Enjoy :)