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in AI and Deep Learning by (50.2k points)

To get more into Django programming I'm planning to create a google maps mashup, which finds routes from A to B but avoids streets/junctions that cross public surveillance cameras' perspectives. Therefore I will create a database (probably Postgres based, because of its GIS capabilities) containing

surveillance type (surveillance camera, speed camera, road charge camera, etc.)

geo position

timeout (used mainly for speed cameras)

This data will then, of course, be editable freely by the users. To start, however, I will need some data to get running. Is there any such publicly available database containing (possibly approximate) geo-position of surveillance cameras?

1 Answer

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by (108k points)

In OpenStreetMap are surveillance cameras outlined by the users of the OpenStreetMap community. These maps are not exhaustive but will cover cameras that are not in other databases. And after you add them CCTV cameras will be visible on this map:

There is a speed camera database:

and each cabinet provides locations of CCTV cameras, a Google search should bring them up:|countryGB

Though they are normally listed by their street names and not proper geolocation.
