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+2 votes
in DevOps and Agile by (19.4k points)
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I have a project hosted on GitHub. I fail when trying to push my modifications on the master. I always get the following error message

Password for 'https://[email protected]': 

remote: Invalid username or password.

fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://[email protected]/eurydyce/MDANSE.git/'

However, setting my ssh key to github seems ok. Indeed, when I do a ssh -T [email protected] I get

Hi eurydyce! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Which seems to indicate that everything is OK from that side (eurydyce being my github username). I strictly followed the instructions given on github and the recommendations of many stack discussion but no way. Would you have any idea of what I may have done wrong?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (29.3k points)
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Instead of using this https link you could use the ssh or git link.



or just


Then you could run the below command so that the url will set to the remote then you can do whatever changes and you can push the changes.

git remote set-url origin git@<githuburl.git>

For more commands like this please go through the following tutorial that will help you understand the git
