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in DevOps and Agile by (9.1k points)

How to establish a career in the field of Kubernetes?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

I suppose you are an IT professional working in a profession other than container management systems or just a newbie to this field, then follow these steps to set up a career in this domain:

  • Start from scratch that is by reading, going through the online resources, or the best way to get started is to join Intellipaat’s Kubernetes training which is 10 hrs online training which includes 20+hrs projects and exercises to practice and gain the necessary hands-on experience.
  • Join the Kubernetes community to learn new kinds of stuff.
  • Showcase your potential in learning Kubernetes like containers, relevant programming skills, automation skills, etc.
  • Enhance your practical knowledge by using Kubernetes tools which tests your real-world knowledge on Kubernetes and its applications.
  • Invest in certifications from Linux foundations and Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and they are of 2 types: 
  1. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
  2. Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD).

Do check out our YouTube video on Kubernetes training to get started.
