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in Data Science by (9k points)
What does a Data Analyst do?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

A Data Analyst knows the methods and techniques that are used to extract and interpret information using statistical and machine learning methods and tools. The main aim of a Data Analyst is to interpret the data and share the insights within the organization. They have to come up with solutions that can help the organization make informed and improved business decisions.

Some of the significant tasks of a Data Analyst include:

  • Identify the business problem in terms of data analytics
  • Determine the right sets of data and variables
  • Collect structured and unstructured sets of data from multiple sources
  • Validate the data in order to ensure the accuracy
  • Apply statistical models and machine-learning algorithms for data mining
  • Analyze the data and find the patterns
  • Interpret the data to come up with necessary business opportunity and solutions
  • Share valuable insights within the company

If you want to become a Data Analyst then you must register for Data Science Training where you will learn various Data Science concepts. It will help you to become a successful Data Analyst.

You should also check out this comprehensive video tutorial on Data Analysts:
