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in Java by (7k points)

I have this code for BinaryTree creation and traversal

class Node


    Integer data;

    Node left;

    Node right;



        data = null;

        left = null;

        right = null;



class BinaryTree


    Node head;

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;



        head = null;


    public void createNode(Node temp, Integer value) 


        Node newnode= new Node();

        value = getData(); = value;

        temp = newnode;



            head = temp;


        System.out.println("If left child exits for ("+value+") enter y else n");



            createNode(temp.left, value);


        System.out.println("If right child exits for ("+value+") enter y else n");



            createNode(temp.right, value);



    public Integer getData()


        out.println("Enter the value to insert:");

        return (Integer)input.nextInt();


    public void print()




    public void inorder(Node node)












class BinaryTreeWorker


    static BinaryTree treeObj = null;

    static Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    public static void displaymenu()


        int choice;


            out.print("\n Basic operations on a tree:");

            out.print("\n 1. Create tree  \n 2. Insert \n 3. Search value \n 4. print list\n Else. Exit \n Choice:");

            choice = input.nextInt();



                case 1:

                    treeObj = createBTree();


                case 2:

                    treeObj.createNode(null, null);


                case 3:



                case 4:








    public static BinaryTree createBTree()


        return new BinaryTree();


    public static void main(String[] args)





It compiles and runs. But I think there is something wrong with the inorder traversal.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (13.1k points)

You can do it like this:

import java.util.Scanner;

class Node


    Integer data;

    Node left;

    Node right;



        data = null;

        left = null;

        right = null;



class BinaryTree


    Node head;

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;



        head = null;


    public void createNode(Node temp,Node newnode) 




            System.out.println("No value exist in tree, the value just entered is set to Root");

            head = newnode;




            temp = head;

        System.out.println("where you want to insert this value, l for left of ("") ,r for right of ("")");






                System.out.println("value got successfully added to left of ("")");


            }else  {

                System.out.println("value left to ("") is occupied 1by ("")");




        else if(inputValue=='r')





                System.out.println("value got successfully added to right of ("")");


            }else  {

                System.out.println("value right to ("") is occupied by ("")");




            System.out.println("incorrect input plz try again , correctly");




    public Node generateTree(){

        int [] a = new int[10];

        int index = 0; 





        if(a.length==0 ){

            return null;


        Node newnode= new Node();



        return generateTreeWithArray(newnode,a,0);


    public Node generateTreeWithArray(Node head,int [] a,int index){

        if(index >= a.length)

            return null;

        System.out.println("at index "+index+" value is "+a[index]);


            head= new Node(); = a[index];



        return head;


    public Integer getData()


        System.out.println("Enter the value to insert:");

        return (Integer)input.nextInt();


    public void print()




    public void inorder(Node node)












public class BinaryTreeWorker


    static BinaryTree treeObj = null;

    static Scanner input = new Scanner(;

    public static void displaymenu()


        int choice;


            System.out.print("\n Basic operations on a tree:");

            System.out.print("\n 1. Create tree  \n 2. Insert \n 3. Search value \n 4. print list\n 5. generate a tree \n Else. Exit \n Choice:");

            choice = input.nextInt();



                case 1:

                    treeObj = createBTree();


                case 2:

                    Node newnode= new Node();

           = getData();





                case 3:



                case 4:

                    System.out.println("inorder traversal of list gives follows");



                case 5:

                    Node tempHead = treeObj.generateTree();

                    System.out.println("inorder traversal of list with head = ("")gives follows");








    public static Integer getData()


        System.out.println("Enter the value to insert:");

        return (Integer)input.nextInt();


    public static BinaryTree createBTree()


        return new BinaryTree();


    public static void main(String[] args)





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