I am trying to plot a line chart in powerBI with a reference line based on another column's value. I have data that represents the journeys of different cars on different sections of the road. I am plotting those journeys that travel over the same section of the road. e.g. RoadId 10001.
Distance JourneyNum Speed ThresholdSpeed RoadId
1 10 50 60 10001
2 10 51 60 10001
3 10 52 60 10001
1 11 45 60 10001
2 11 46 60 10001
3 11 47 60 10001
7 12 20 30 10009
8 12 21 30 10009
9 12 22 30 10009
10 12 23 30 10009
So currently I have: Distance on the x-axis (Axis), Speed on the y-axis (Values), JourneyNum as the Legend (Legend), filter to roadId 10001
I want to also add the threshold speed as a reference line or just as another line would do. Any help?