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in R Programming by (3.5k points)
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How can I unload a package without restarting R?

I tried library but it doesn’t show any options that would unload the package.

I also tried detach but it also failed:

    Error in detach(ans) : invalid name argument
    Error in detach("ans") : invalid name argument

So How can I perform this task?

1 Answer

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by (46k points)
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Try this using ?detach:

detach("package:ans", unload=TRUE)

Alternatively you can also use unloadNamespace command


For multiple versions of a package loaded at once use

detach_package <- function(pkg, character.only = FALSE)




  pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))


search_item <- paste("package", pkg, sep = ":")

while(search_item %in% search())


   detach(search_item, unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)



In your case either use


or use

detach_package("ans", TRUE)

Thank you for reading this answer.
