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in AWS by (19.1k points)

I am trying to create a VPC controlled Elastic Search Service on AWS. The problem is I keep getting the error when I run the following code: 'ValidationException: Before you can proceed, you must enable a service-linked role to give Amazon ES permissions to access your VPC'.

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');


const accessPolicies = {

  Statement: [{

    Effect: "Allow",

    Principal: {

      AWS: "*"


    Action: "es:*",

    Resource: "arn:aws:es:<dc>:<accountid>:domain/<domain-name/*"



const params = {

  DomainName: '<domain>',

  /* required */

  AccessPolicies: JSON.stringify(accessPolicies),

  AdvancedOptions: {

    EBSEnabled: "true",

    VolumeType: "io1",

    VolumeSize: "100",

    Iops: "1000"


  EBSOptions: {

    EBSEnabled: true,

    Iops: 1000,

    VolumeSize: 100,

    VolumeType: "io1"


  ElasticsearchClusterConfig: {

    DedicatedMasterCount: 3,

    DedicatedMasterEnabled: true,

    DedicatedMasterType: "m4.large.elasticsearch",

    InstanceCount: 2,

    InstanceType: 'm4.xlarge.elasticsearch',

    ZoneAwarenessEnabled: true


  ElasticsearchVersion: '5.5',

  SnapshotOptions: {

    AutomatedSnapshotStartHour: 3


  VPCOptions: {

    SubnetIds: [




    SecurityGroupIds: [





const es = new AWS.ES();

es.createElasticsearchDomain(params, function (err, data) {

  if (err) {

    console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred

  } else {

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)); // successful response



The problem is I get this error: ValidationException: Before you can proceed, you must enable a service-linked role to give Amazon ES permissions to access your VPC. I cannot seem to figure out how to create this service-linked role for the elastic search service. In the IAM console, I cannot select that service for a role. I believe it is supposed to be created automatically.

Has anybody ran into this or know the way to fix it?

1 Answer

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by (44.4k points)

Use the AWS CLI to create the service-linked role:

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

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