I am loading a CSV file via Static Resourced to test my APEX code. I am using the following code in my test:
List<Territory_Zip_Code__c> territoryData = Test.loadData(Territory_Zip_Code__c.sObjectType, TERRITORY_ZIP_CODES_STATIC_RESOURCE_NAME);
The first few lines of the CSV file look like so:
I am getting the following error:
System.StringException: Unknown field: Territory__c
Territory__c is a valid API field name for my custom sObject.
I've also tried adding the sObject name in front of the field name, like My_Territory__c.Territory__c but that didn't work either.
In addition, I tried using the field name, instead of the API name (for example, Territory) but that didn't work either.
There are lots of examples of using Test.loadData with built-in sObjects, such as Account and Contacts, but no examples showing custom sObjects. I'm starting to think this just isn't possible with custom objects.