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in AWS by (19.1k points)

I am doing a query on data in python,

When I just do a match and sort it works fine.

res = body={"size" : 100, 

                "query": {"match": {"SensorId": "f0038c53272a"}},

                "sort":{"StartDateTime": "desc"}})

Now when I introduce range, it starts giving an error

res = body={"size" : 100, 

       "query": {"match": {"SensorId": "f0038c53272a"}},

       "sort":{"StartDateTime": "desc"},

       "range":{"StartDateTime":{"gte":"now-50d/d","lt": "now/d"}}})

The error it throws is


 TransportError(400, 'search_phase_execution_exception', 

 'No mapping found for [StartDateTime] in order to sort on')

Elasticsearch version is 2.3. Any clue would be helpful.

1 Answer

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by (44.4k points)

Check if there is any typo in the name field or it is empty or something.

The syntax of the filter is incorrect in your code. Check out this - Filter context or Post contextThis is the updated query:


  "query": {

    "bool": {

      "must": {"match": {"SensorId": "f0038c53272a"}},

      "filter": {"range": {"StartDateTime": {"gte": "now-50d/d", "lt": "now/d"}}}



  "sort":{"StartDateTime": "desc"}


If SensorId is a match, then there is no need for scoring. Later, you might optimize your query moving the match in the filter.

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