NOTE: These instructions are solely relevant for protractor versions older than v3.0.
Protractor 3.0 includes built-in support for Browserstack.
You will get to have node and npm installed.
Check your node version with node --version to confirm it's greater than v0.10.0.
Do as the following:
1. Install Protractor
Use npm to install Protractor globally with:
npm install -g protractor
If you get errors, you are required to run the above command as sudo.
2. Install Browserstack Selenium web driver
EDIT: The BrowserStackLocal tunnel (set up in step 4) is enough. Following Browserstack's instructions for setting up node.js, install the selenium web driver:
npm install -g browserstack-webdriver
3. Set up Protractor configuration
Create a protractor.conf.js file:
exports.config = {
capabilities: {
'browserstack.user' : 'my_user_name',
'browserstack.key' : 'my_secret_key',
// Needed for testing localhost
'browserstack.local' : 'true',
// Settings for the browser you want to test
// (check docs for difference between `browser` and `browserName`
'browser' : 'Chrome',
'browser_version' : '36.0',
'os' : 'OS X',
'os_version' : 'Mavericks',
'resolution' : '1024x768'
// Browserstack's selenium server address
seleniumAddress: '',
// Pattern for finding test spec files
specs: ['test/**/*.spec.js']
Change your user name and secret key to the ones given on the Browserstack Automate page. If you're logged in to Browserstack, the instructions for setting up node.js will have the user name and secret key substituted in the examples, and you can just copy-paste the javascript from there.
The same page additionally features a tool for generating the code for various test browser settings.
4. Download and run BrowserStackLocal
Download the BrowserStackLocal binary from the node.js instructions page.
Make the following changes to the command below, and run the binary to open the Browserstack tunnel required for testing.
Again, your_secret_key are automatically substituted within the node.js guide, if you're logged in to Browserstack.
./BrowserStackLocal your_secret_key localhost,3000,0
5. Run the tests
With everything ready for testing, run your tests:
protractor protractor.conf.js
You can watch the test run on Browserstack, which will automate and update live screenshots of the test browser.