I would like to get a confidence score of each of the predictions that it makes, showing on how sure the classifier is on its prediction that it is correct.
features_train, features_test, labels_train, labels_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(main, target, test_size = 0.4)
# Determine amount of time to train
t0 = time()
model = SVC()
#model = SVC(kernel='poly')
#model = GaussianNB()
model.fit(features_train, labels_train)
print 'training time: ', round(time()-t0, 3), 's'
# Determine amount of time to predict
t1 = time()
pred = model.predict(features_test)
print 'predicting time: ', round(time()-t1, 3), 's'
accuracy = accuracy_score(labels_test, pred)
print 'Confusion Matrix: '
print confusion_matrix(labels_test, pred)
# Accuracy in the 0.9333, 9.6667, 1.0 range
print accuracy
# Determine amount of time to predict
t1 = time()
pred = model.predict(sub_main)
print 'predicting time: ', round(time()-t1, 3), 's'
print ''
print 'Prediction: '
print pred
I suspect that I would use the score() function, but I seem to keep implementing it correctly. I don't know if that's the right function or not, but how would one get the confidence percentage of a classifier's prediction?