I am having trouble with a Git conflict. I made some (uncommitted) changes on my local repo forked from another project. I then decided to fetch changes from the original repo - it told me I had to stash changes, which I did. Now when I try to "git stash pop" it says there is a conflict with one file, because it has changes from upstream plus my own changes.
What I want to do is actually keep the upstream changes, AND keep my own changes. I feel this has an obvious answer but its not clear for me.. I've looked up several similar questions on Stackoverflow, but couldn't find an exact solution.
My guess is I have to manually change the file in Sublime Text (OR do a hard reset?) but I'm not sure how to approach it.. For example, the parts that say "<<<< updated upstream" etc. are confusing to me - do I delete them in Sublime Text?? I am a bit nervous about messing it up, especially as I want to keep all changes (upstream plus my changes) and don't want to lose anything.
This is part of the file in Sublime Text showing the conflict:
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
<GithubLink color={values.bgColor} />
<Output values={values} />
<InputWrapper values={values} setters={setters} />
<Output values={values} />
<InputWrapper values={values} setters={setters} />
<Dropzone onDrop={acceptedFiles => console.log(acceptedFiles)}>
{({getRootProps, getInputProps}) => (
<DropZoneDiv {...getRootProps()}>
<input {...getInputProps()} />
<p>Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
I edited this slightly to make it more readable, but basically you can see that the upstream has an added <\GithubLink> tag and my changes have an added <\Dropzone> tag - I want to keep both.
Thanks in advance!