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in BI by (17.6k points)

I want to share a Tableau workbook (TWBX) file that has TDE as a data source to a different group. I don't want them to able to see the raw data behind the workbook basically disable the data source tab. And also I don't want them to access any calculated variables inside the workbook. Is it possible to make TWBX file readonly? We don't have a Tableau server so publishing the workbook into a Tableau site with a "viewer" privilege is not an option here.

1 Answer

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by (47.2k points)

  • No, you cannot make the data in the extract unreadable, but you can reduce it to a bare minimum, especially with aggregation.

  • While performing the extraction, you can first hide fields if you don’t want them to be included in the extract, filter to exclude Records you don’t want to be included, and aggregate the visible dimensions in order to pre-aggregate the data in the extract using the default aggregation for each measure.

  • In this way, you can limit the detail that is in your extract and can make the extract only contain the values which you need to display. Be careful about using additional aggregation in your viz, If you pre-aggregate the extract.

  • Some aggregation functions can be meaningfully repeated, known as additive aggregation functions. Sums of sums for example; or mins of mins. But others might lead to strange or incorrect results, avg of avg in many cases.

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