I am trying to set up a network where private transactions can be sent, but are a part of a single blockchain, such as is implemented in Quorum with the privateFor parameter when creating a contract.
I could implement a solution using channels and from reading the guides, document and whitepaper I can see that each channel owns its own blockchain. What I'm unsure about is if each channel is again apart of a larger blockchain that will contain the encrypted data of all channels or a hash of each channel when a new block is created.
I can't find any documentation of such a feature so I am assuming that each channel's blockchain is isolated entirely from the rest of the network. This leaves me with three questions.
A) Am I correct in assuming there is no "master" blockchain containing all channels?
B) If I am correct about my assumption, does this not leave channels with only two participants, or one participant if someone leaves, open for an attack as someone could easily change the data stored in the ledger in this scenario?
C) If you were to implement channels for all nodes that need to send private data to one another, wouldn't this increase maintenance hugely i.e creating auditing nodes for each channel etc?