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in Salesforce by (11.9k points)

<apex:outputField rendered="{!(WidgetType.contains('mywidget1'))}" />

When I do this I get an error...
Error: Unknown function WidgetType.contains. Check spelling
... even though the WidgetType returns a String!
It will let me do this though...
rendered="{!(WidgetType == 'mywidget1')}"
Here is the property in the controller...
public String getWidgetType() {
    return Settings.getWidgetType();

1 Answer

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by (32.1k points)
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Compares two arguments of text and returns TRUE if the first argument contains the second argument. If not, returns FALSE.

The following example checks the content of a custom text field named Product_Type and returns “Parts” for any product with the word “part” in it. Otherwise, it returns “Service.” 

{!IF(contains(opportunity.Product_Type__c, "part"), "Parts", "Service")}

This function is case sensitive so be sure your compare_text value has the correct capitalization.


CONTAINS(text, compare_text) and replace text with the text that contains the value of compare_text.

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