I am webscraping https://www.virginmobile.ca/en/phones/phone-details.html#!/a70/Black/128/MTH. I am trying to grab the pricing under 'PICK YOUR MONTHLY PHONE PLAN' however as I select the 'buy your phone upfront' option the plans below have a 'see more plans' button which I am attempting to click. I managed to click it it however sometimes there is still more plans to be seem and my while loop doesnt seem to click it if the button still exists. instead the trace states:
Element showitems" ng-click="showmoreplans()" ng-bind-html="messages['phonedetail.seemoreplan.label']" class="ng-binding ng-scope">... is not clickable at point (620, 870). Other element would receive the click: ...
for planType in planTypeRawList:
planPriceList = []
while True:
see_more_plans = wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#planList > a')))
print('see More Clicked')
except TimeoutException:
planPriceListRaw = wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#planList .price')))
for price in planPriceListRaw:
planPrice = price.text
print('end of plan type')
I would ultimately like to be able to click the 'see more plans' option as much times as it pops up and then move on to scrape after all the plans are visible and the button disappears.