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in DevOps and Agile by (19.7k points)

How to un fork a Github repository?

I have never seen unfork option. Does anybody know how to do that?


1 Answer

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by (62.9k points)
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Currently, Github doesn't have an unfork option, so the only solution is to delete the forked repo.

Warning: The following solution will delete your cloned repo. If you want unfork without your repo is being deleted try the method shown at the end of this answer as “Note”

Step 1: Go to Settings of Repo you want to un fork


Step 2: Click Delete this Repository 

enter image description here

Step 3: Enter your name / Repo name


Step 4: Click "I understand the consequences, delete this repository" button

enter image description here

Note: This technique will create a new "unforked" repository while maintaining everything else (commit history, branches and tags).

How to "unfork" a project in four easy steps:

  1. git clone --bare{username}/{repository}

  2. Delete original repository in{username}/{repository}/settings.

  3. Create new repository with the name {repository} at

  4. cd {repository}.git and git push --mirror{username}/{repository}

If you wish to learn software version control and its hosting service then you can join GitHub training.

unfork github-how to unfork the github repository?
by (19.7k points)
Thanks for the detailed explanation!
"while maintaining everything else (commit history, branches and tags)"
It will maintain only the mentioned git stuff but will lost github stuff (issue, wiki, release, description, repository settings, ...).

So careful if you have github valuable data on the forked repo with this method.

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