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in DevOps and Agile by (29.3k points)

I could not find the difference between these two. Are these same or different. I could not find the exact answer to my questions.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (19.4k points)

Jenkins is an open-source while CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise is a commercial extension of open source Jenkins.

To get more details on CloudBees please refer:

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What is CloudBees? 

Enterprise Jenkins and DevOps. It allows organizations to create, test, and deploy applications in production using continuous delivery practices. They focus only on Jenkins as a continuous delivery tool in both the city and the clouds.

What is Jenkins? 

An open-source scalable seamless integration server. In short, the Jenkins CI is the ultimate open-source seamless integration server. Created with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support the creation and testing of almost any project.

For detailed information about CloudBees Jenkins it is recommended to update your knowledge with CloudBees Certified Jenkins Engineer certification today.

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