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in Web Technology by (19.9k points)

What is MEAN stack development?

1 Answer

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by (25.1k points)
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MEAN Stack is stack of software technologies used to develop web applications. These technologies are all based on JavaScript so anyone can quickly learn these technologies. MEAN is an acronym that stands for MongoDb, ExpressJS, Angular, Angular and NodeJS. In this tsack MongoDB is used as the database, ExpressJS is used as back-end framework, NodeJS is used as back-end execution environment so as to run JavaScript on the server and Angular as the front-end framework. MEAN Stack is also quite popular and used to build high quality web applications.

You can read this blog that explains what MEAN stack is.

To learn full-stack development from experts, enroll in this Full Stack Web Developer Course offered by Intellipaat.

You can also get started with MEAN stack by learning individual technologies, like: 

If you wish to learn MongoDB you can do this end to end certification course on MongoDB.

Also you can learn Angular by doing this Angular course.

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