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in Data Science by (50.2k points)

How do I learn data science by “doing it”? Can anyone explain how exactly we should learn data science by “doing it” instead of just going through the theory?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)

Data science to be learned by doing it, yeah that's true coding can’t be just memorized but to be practiced if you are to learn data science you have to get to code ( python is an easy source ) you got to make many “csv” files and then compare them arrange them using “panda” library its not hard to code though but to use right logic and trust me making csv file for every program feels exhausted but you can get a great package job if you are a data scientist and also if you love to play with data. In order to learn Data Science by doing it:

  1. Familiarize yourself about the real-world Data Science problems

  2. Participate in Data Science forums and competitions(eg. Kaggle)

  3. Regularly work on huge datasets

  4. Have a collaborative and interactive approach

  5. Practice every day and gain a definitive edge

You can get a hands-on project by referring the following Data Science Courses by Intellipaat which will teach you Data Science from scratch

And if you are more into videos then do check out the following video tutorial which will help you in mastering in the field of Data Science:

If you want a detail explanation of Data Science then do check out Intellipaat’s blog which will help you in understanding DS.

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