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in Azure by (19.9k points)

What are publicly known biggest customers of the Microsoft Azure Platform?

1 Answer

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by (25.1k points)
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Microsoft Azure is very popular and is used by many popular organizations such as:

  1. Pixar
  2. Apple iCloud
  3. Easy jet
  4. Xerox
  5. Samsung
  6. Boeing
  7. eBay
  8. Diebold
  9. 3M
  10. NBC
  11. Aston Martin
  12. Mazda
  13. Alaska Airlines
  14. BMW
  15. Trek bikes
  16. LG 
  17. Symantec
  18. Dell
  19. NetApp
  20. Fujitsu

If you are planning on learning Azure, as a beginner it would be better to start with an online course that teaches you the basics and gives you hands-on experience.

You can either take this Azure Certification which will teach you the basics of Azure or if you are just a beginner and wish to get your feet wet you can watch this end-to-end Azure tutorial. 


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