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in Data Science by (50.2k points)

Which universities in Germany are good for an MS in data science/analytics/big data?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)

The masters in Data Analytics are suggested for learners with a background like say for instance the first degree in Mathematics, Economics, Accounting, Psychology, Physics or Chemistry as well as graduates already working in the industry.

The program will enable you to utilize and apply your previous academic experience to gain the skills required to work with the large quantities of data that need to be analyzed in the modern world.

Here are some of the Top B-Schools that offer good MS in data science/analytics/big data programs -

  1. Technical University of Munich (TUM)

  2. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich)

  3. University of Hildesheim

  4. University of Magdeburg

  5. Leuphana University of Lüneburg

If you want to know more about Data Science then do check out Intellipaat’s Data Science Training  which will help you in learning Data Science from scratch and also provides one-to-one mentorship:

And if you are more into videos then you can check out this video tutorial which will help you in learning Data Science from the beginning:

And if you are beginner and more into reading blogs then you can check out this blog which will provide you a brief introduction to Data Science.

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