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What are types of framework in selenium?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

In Selenium there are three types of Framework. Let us understand each of them in a very simple way:-

Data-Driven Framework: -

The Data-driven framework is the framework in which the test data is kept into some external database outside the test scripts like Excel, CSV in key-value pairs. Here in this example, we are storing data for login functionality in an excel sheet.


Keyword Driven Framework:- 

In keyword driven framework certain set of code belonging to the test scripts is kept into an external data file. These set of code are known as Keywords. Keywords are self-guiding as to what actions need to be performed on the application.


Here, keywords like input and login are defined within the code. Locator column contains the locator value that is used to identify the web elements on the screen. All the required keywords are designed and placed in the base code of the framework.

Hybrid Framework:-

The hybrid framework is the framework which is a combination of both Data Driven and Keyword Driven.


If you want to learn Selenium you must take up the Selenium Training Course. If you like reading the stuff then you must read the following Selenium Tutorial. You must watch the below-mentioned video tutorial to learn all the basics of Selenium.


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