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in Data Science by (50.2k points)

What will be the job growth for data science for the next 5-10 years?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (107k points)

One thing I can assure is why we can believe that growth for data science will continue to increase and will not decline.  The reason why big data and data science have and may continue to increase in demand is that data has increased in size. Many people don’t realize it, but there is more data available now than there has ever been before in human history. 

If you want a detailed explanation of Data Science then do check out Intellipaat’s blog which will help you in understanding DS.

You can refer to the Intellipaat's online Data Science certification course as it will help you in preparing for a career as a Data Scientist and highlights concepts and tools you will need during the entire data science pipeline, from asking the right kinds of questions to making conclusions and publishing results. It will also help you in developing a portfolio of projects that you can showcase during interviews. And if you are more into videos then do check out the following video tutorial which will help you in mastering in the field of Data Science:

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