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in BI by (17.6k points)

Is Tableau a good career?

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by (47.2k points)
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Yes, Tableau is good from career point of view for several reasons:

  1. Regular use of Tableau enables (and, in many cases, encourages) broad and deep understanding of real-world issues & opportunities - if you get the chance to use Tableau in your business you have a great opportunity to learn more about the workings of that business, identify weaknesses (and address them) and strengths (and capitalise on them) - data-driven decision-making is good for every career
  2. Competent-to-excellent Tableau users tend - in my experience - to develop improved communication skills; being able to explain more complex and subtle issues & opportunities, and convince colleagues through effective presentation of appropriate information, is vital for career progression in any field
  3. Right now, data visualisation and visual analytics - and Tableau in particular - are 'of the moment' and are likely to remain so for the next 1-2 years (and quite possibly well beyond) - so developing strong Tableau skills opens up accelerated career progression for the next few years

All three of these apply to 'end-user' Tableau skills i.e. line-of-business analysis of business data, as part of a non-technical (non-BI/analytics) role.

If you are working in the BI/analytics field, then you might also consider the following visual analytics benefits:

  • Reconnect with the business - by enabling you to explore, address, answer and communicate rapidly, Tableau reminds you that all of that data is merely a digital representation of the real world (a point often lost on BI professionals!)
  • Test and improve data - visualisation can highlight data gaps / misclassifications / weaknesses / flaws etc. extremely quickly; it's much easier to convince senior management of the need to invest in DQ if you can literally show them the problem
  • Tableau loves well-organized data - the speed at which you can explore, analyze and communicate large data sets using Tableau means that you will want to get the most out of what you have, forcing you to design and manage rich, well-organized data sources... helping you to hone a wealth of other skills e.g. analytical database design, ETL, in-database analytics etc.

You can refer to the Tableau Online Course as it will help you in preparing for a career as Software Developer, BI Professional, System and IT Administrator. Most data Scientists appreciate the horsepower of Tableau Desktop paired with the Online or Server versions of the software. Also, you can take a look at this video too.

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