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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

What are the security best practices for Docker containers?

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by (106k points)

The security of Docker is very important. This is because it is used in production environments. If its security is not enhanced, then private data and information can be lost and get into wrong hands.

The first measure of ensuring security in the Docker is the use of the “docker” group. If you do not know how to do this, consult the book “Docker. The first look” by Kevin Watts. Users who have been added to this group can freely access the computer and carry out many tasks including modifying the file systems. This explains why you need to be careful while adding users to the group. Only trusted users should be added to the group.

Also, the Docker has also introduced the flag “–security-opt” to the command line. With this flag, the users will be able to set AppArmor and SELinux profiles and labels. Suppose that you came up with a policy which allows the container to listen only to Apache ports. If you want to learn Docker then you must take up the following Docker Training Course. I am also mentioning a video tutorial for Docker which you must take up in order to learn all the basics of Docker.


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