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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

 Why was Docker written in Go?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

The reason is that Go is one of the efficient programming low-level languages which can handle high-level tasks, Docker requires fewer system resources to run it and Go build time is too less comparatively with other programming languages.

Below are some of the benefits of developing Docker with the Go programming language:-

  • The development of Docker in Go makes Docker’s virtualization technology responsive.

  • Go language gave Docker team a simple and powerful language for working with their initial operating system of choice, Linux.

  • Go programming language provides users with an easy path to incorporate Docker’s capabilities into their own environments.

  • Go has enabled the fast development of distributed systems. One of the important features of Go language is it allows developers and system administrators to quickly build programs and system tools for cloud computing environments. If you want to learn Docker then I would suggest you must take up the following Docker Training Course. Here is a video tutorial on Docker which you can refer to learn more about it.

    . I am also mentioning a video which tells about the features of Go language do watch it.

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