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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

I am confused by Docker Toolbox and Docker for Mac, what exactly the difference between them?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

Docker toolbox is used to installs Docker Machine and Virtualbox so you can run containers inside a Linux VM run by the Virtualbox hypervisor. Whereas Docker for Mac runs containers inside a Linux VM run using Mac OS X’s built in the hypervisor, xhyve. It also shares Mac’s network interface with the VM in a clever way so that networking is much simpler. Personally, I find Docker for Mac to be a much simpler, higher performance option for running Linux containers on my Mac. If you want to learn more about Docker then I would suggest you must take up the following Docker Training Course. Here is a video tutorial which I would suggest you must watch to learn all the basics about Docker.


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