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in Web Technology by (19.9k points)

I am trying to group my data day-wise,weekly,monthly and yearly in single pipeline. I have date, week number, month and year in separate fields . But i am not able to figure out how to do group aggregation in a single flow. Below is sample json:

    "Ctrans" : {

    "status" : "active"


    "Day-month" : "25-9", 

    "Month" : 9, 

    "Year" : 2019, 

    "Week" : 38

My query for this pipeline:




            "$lookup" : {

                "from" : "customer", 

                "localField" : "", 

                "foreignField" : "phone", 

                "as" : "Ctrans"




            "$unwind" : {

                "path" : "$Ctrans", 

                "includeArrayIndex" : "arrayIndex", 

                "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays" : false




            "$project" : {

                "date" : {

                    "$dateFromString" : {

                        "dateString" : "$createdAt", 

                        "onError" : "$date"



                "Weekdate" : {

                    "$dateFromString" : {

                        "dateString" : "$createdAt", 

                        "onError" : "$date"



                "Ctrans.status" : 1.0, 

                "createdAt" : 1.0




            "$project" : {

                "date" : {

                    "$dateToParts" : {

                        "date" : "$date"



                "week" : {

                    "$week" : "$Weekdate"


                "Ctrans.status" : 1.0




            "$project" : {

                "Day-month" : {

                    "$concat" : [


                            "$toString" : "$"




                            "$toString" : "$date.month"




                "Month" : "$date.month", 

                "Year" : "$date.year", 

                "Week" : "$week", 

                "Ctrans.status" : 1.0




            "$group" : {

                "_id" : {

                    "Today" : "$Day-month", 

                    "Status" : "$status"


                "Total" : {

                    "$sum" : 1.0






        "allowDiskUse" : false



I aim to groupby with pairs of : (Day-month, status),(month,status),(year,status),(week,status) and get count of each paired group separately.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (25.1k points)

You need to use $facet operator so that you can apply separate $group stages on your data set, like this:

    // current aggregation stages,
        $facet: {
            "dayMonthStatus": [
                { $group: { _id: { status: "$Ctrans.status", "dayMonth": "$Day-month" }, count: { $sum: 1 } } }
            "monthStatus": [
                { $group: { _id: { status: "$Ctrans.status", "month": "$Month" }, count: { $sum: 1 } } }
            "yearStatus": [
                { $group: { _id: { status: "$Ctrans.status", "year": "$Year" }, count: { $sum: 1 } } }
            "weekStatus": [
                { $group: { _id: { status: "$Ctrans.status", "week": "$Week" }, count: { $sum: 1 } } }

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