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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

What are the prerequisite technologies I need to learn before learning Docker?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

Actually you do not need to know much more except for some basic computer science knowledge. If you are a web developer who knows how to build and run the app. Well now you can build and run that exact same app in a Docker container and it’s almost the same as running it outside of a Docker container. What you can do is just need to learn how to make a simple Dockerfile. I would argue that it is actually easier to run things in Docker since you do not have to worry about dependency conflicts or what’s different on your Mac vs the Linux container you’ll most likely run it in. Nice pristine environment.

In fact, it may spoil you and you may not learn as much as you can about all the little annoying things that can happen on different systems. If you want to learn more about Docker then you must take up the following Docker training course. You can also watch the following Docker video tutorial to learn more about it.

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