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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

Will it be wise to make a career in selenium testing?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

Definitely, In the automation field Selenium is currently one of the most sought-after automation tools in the market and mastering it will open many doors of opportunities for you. You must know that the testing world is rapidly moving towards near-absolute automation and skill in scripting will be in high demand. I would recommend you learn and become proficient in any one language supported by selenium. Do a certification in Selenium and it will help in further strengthening your resume. If you want to do training in Selenium then you must have a look at the following Selenium Training Course. If you like reading the stuff then I would suggest you must read the following Selenium tutorial. I am also mentioning a video tutorial on Selenium which you must watch to clear all your doubts regarding it.

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