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in Web Technology by (107k points)

I wanted to use the mongodb database, but I noticed that there are two different databases with either their own website and installation methods: mongodb and mongoose. So I came up asking myself this question: "Which one do I use?".

So in order to answer this question I ask the community if you could explain what are the differences between these two? And if possible pros and cons? Because they really look very similar to me.

1 Answer

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by (50.2k points)
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MongoDB is a NoSQL database system that stores data in the form of BSON documents. In terms of Node.js, mongodb is the essential driver for interacting with a mongodb instance and the mongoose is an Object modeling tool for MongoDB. Mongoose is developed on top of the MongoDB driver to provide programmers with a way to model their data. Applying Mongoose, a user can define the schema for the documents in a particular collection. It gives a lot of availability in the creation and management of data in MongoDB.

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