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in AWS by (9k points)
What is Cloud Computing with example?

3 Answers

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by (45.3k points)

Cloud Computing is used to deliver storage services over the internet by using hardware and software. With the help of Cloud Computing, users can easily access the required files and make use of applications from any electronic device with internet access. It provides an infrastructure to the user for computer resources. The user just has to use Cloud Computing services without worrying about the management of the resources.

Some popular applications that use Cloud Computing are Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. These are cloud-based bots that have natural-language intelligence. These devices use cloud computing in order to give the user relevant information and personalized experience.  When you give a command to these applications it searches the relevant data in their cloud-based database. Then, it provides you the appropriate result. To learn more about Cloud Computing, you must read Cloud Computing Tutorial.

You should also take a look at this Cloud Computing video tutorial:

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by (37.3k points)

Cloud computing is an era that helps you to use and save records and packages over the internet in place of maintaining the whole thing on your computer. So, rather than running applications or saving documents for your personal tool, you operate a community of faraway servers that can be related through the internet. This means you can get admission to your records and use apps from everywhere, so long as you're online.

Example of Cloud Computing:

Consider how Google pressure is used. When you save a document to Google Drive, it's not necessarily saved to your computer; instead, Google stores it on its servers. As long as you have an internet connection, you can use any device to access and modify the report, including a computer, tablet, and phone. This explains why, despite what some may believe, the report is actually saved on Google's servers "inside the cloud".

Numerous tasks, including email (such as Gmail), document saving (like Dropbox), statistics backup, and streaming video (like Netflix or Spotify), are all made possible by cloud computing. It eliminates the need to purchase and maintain expensive hardware by enabling both consumers and enterprises to access sophisticated equipment and store vast amounts of data.


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by (1.9k points)

It provides computing as a service via the internet, thereby making it easier to access and use resources like servers, storage, databases, application software, and other computing services without owning physical hardware. It gives guaranteed and on-demand access to shared pools of configurable resources that can be rapidly reconfigured according to changing users' needs while being cost-effective.

Types of Cloud Computing


A good example is Amazon EC2 which provides virtual servers and storage as needed,


Google App Engine supports application development as well as hosting and allows its developers to forget the existing infrastructure for the application needed.


Salesforce: an application example of Salesforce that will provide a combination of several CRM solutions available as a service over the web and be accessed through an internet-connected web browser

Real Life Example

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage service that allows users to access their files from anywhere, at any time. It eliminates the need for local storage because files can be shared easily from any device.

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