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in AWS by (9k points)
What is Cloud Computing in simple terms?

2 Answers

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by (45.3k points)

Cloud Computing, in simple terms, is the process of storing as well as accessing data using the internet. It basically means internet-based computing which provides a number of services for running servers, storage, and applications. These services are accessed and shared within the organization with the help of the internet.

If you want to learn more about Cloud then you should sign up for Cloud Computing Training. In this course, you will learn all concepts of Cloud Computing from the basic to the advanced level. It will be an instructor-led training wherein you will have interactive sessions with the trainer and also clear your doubts easily.

Also, you must watch this YouTube video to understand the concept of Cloud Computing:

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by (37.3k points)

Cloud computing is a way to use some of the resources that are present in our computer, like storage, servers, databases, applications, and many more, over the internet without worrying about the hardware. It is the same as electricity and water resources, you need to pay for those resources only that you are using. The benefit of using cloud platforms is that you don’t have to worry about the hardware crash. All of your data will be available in your cloud and can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and IBM Cloud are some of the famous cloud platforms that provide you with resources like databases, web and application hosting, storage, and virtual machines.

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